Identification Of Chemical Components of clam shells (Tridacna gigas), From Ranooha Jaya Village, Moramo South Konawe
tridacna gigas, refluks, maserasi, KLTAbstract
Indonesia is one of the largest archipelagic countries, which has a structure of 17,500 islands with an island
length of about 51,000 km, so that it can be said that our country has a lot of medicinal plants that are
located all over the Indonesian islands. Indonesia's biodiversity holds the second largest ranking after
Brazil with the use of plants that are widely known by the public, both in terms of their effects and
properties. The purpose of this study is for students to know the appropriate extraction method for clam
shells and to know the process of identifying the chemical components contained in clams (Tridagna
gigas). Thin Layer Chromatography is a method of separating chemical compounds based on differences
in the distribution of two phases, namely the stationary phase and the mobile phase. The results of the
preparative TLC yielded Rf values (0.7), (1.1), (0.4) indicating a yellow-orange color change that might
contain alkaloid compounds, RF values (0.6), (0.4), (0 , 6), showed a change in color to yellowish green
so that it is possible that the extract from clam contains flavonoid compounds.
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