Overview Of The Management Of Pharmaceutical Preparations, Medical Devices and Medical Consumables At Apotek Kimia Farma 288 Kendari


  • Rahayu Apriyanti STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Muhammad Ramadhan Salam STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Nurlisa Rasyid Faisal STIKes Pelita Ibu


Management, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Kimia Farma


In pharmaceutical services at pharmacies, Permenkes 73 is used as a benchmark standard used as a
guideline for pharmaceutical staff in administering pharmaceutical services. So it is necessary to do an
overview of the management of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices and consumable medical
materials at the Kimia Farma 288 pharmacy, Kendari. This study uses a descriptive method, namely
examining primary data in the form of laws and regulations and secondary data in the form of
questionnaires by understanding law as a set of regulations and positive norms as a reference and the
reference for this questionnaire is Permenkes No 73 of 2016. The results of this study namely planning
(100%), procurement (100%), receipt (100%), storage (100%), destruction and withdrawal (50%),
control (100%), recording and reporting (100%) so that the conclusion is the level implementation of
pharmaceutical service standards in the management of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices
and consumable medical materials at the Kimia Farma 288 Kendari pharmacy in accordance with
Permenkes 73 of 2016 implementation of pharmaceutical service standards as a whole of 97.06% is
included in the good category even though there is one activity that not well documented


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