Identification Of Chemical Components Of Seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) And Spon ( Sponge Stylotella Sp.) From Ranooha Jaya Village, Moramo District, South Konawe Regency
Enhalus acoroides, Spons Stylotella sp.,Perkolasi,Maserasi,KLTAbstract
An archipelago of islands in the equatorial region, Indonesia is renowned for its natural beauty and
diversity of plant species. The marine biodiversity of Indonesia, particularly Southeast Sulawesi, has the
potential to be used to its fullest extent. One type of marine biota, sponges and seagrasses, produce
bioactive substances known as secondary metabolites that are beneficial for self-defense. The Thin Layer
Chromatography technique was used to separate maceration and percolation. A technique for separating
chemical substances called thin layer chromatography relies on variations in the distribution of two phases:
the stationary phase and the mobile phase. According to the preparative TLC results, the compound
contains flavonoids since the Rf values were (0.84), (0.62), (0, 26), and (0.68) with red and green colors,
respectively, when the results were read on a 254 UV lamp. Flavonoids and alkaloids make up the group
of flavonoids found in seagrass leaves, specifically Stylotella sp. From the practical outcomes, it can be
deduced that secondary metabolites may be obtained from the ethanol extract of the sponge Stylotella sp.
and identified as flavonoids from lanun leaves using thin layer chromatography and UV-Vis
spectrophotometer methods. The flavonoids found are chalcones. The outcomes of the practicum
demonstrate that Stylotella sp. contains alkaloids
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