Identification of Calcium (Ca) in Dried Milkfish from Soropia Origin with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Method


  • Mistriyani Mistriyani Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari
  • Arman Rusman Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari
  • Syaiful Katadi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari
  • Nurfitriyana Rahamat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari


AAS basic analysis to determine calcium (Ca) levels by varying wet and dry milkfish which aims to observe high Ca content and are categorized as healthy foods. Milkfish meat preparation to determine the Ca content was carried out by varying the conditions of wet and dry meat. First, it was washed, crushed, dried, and extracted by reflux method and then filtered to obtain the filtrate from milkfish. The analysis was carried out based on quantitative data using the AAS instrument to see the Ca content of wet and dry meat. Based on these results, we found that quantitative data analysis in wet milkfish showed that the average Ca content was 0.0273 mg/g, while the dry milkfish showed an increase in Ca content of 0.0307 mg/g. This research has provided an overview of the Ca content of milkfish and the knowledge of the AAS instrument for determining the Ca content of milkfish so that it is very suitable for the development of healthy food.

Author Biographies

Mistriyani Mistriyani, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari

Program Studi Farmasi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari, Anduonohu, Poasia, Kota Kendari 93231, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

Arman Rusman, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari

Program Studi Farmasi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari, Anduonohu, Poasia, Kota Kendari 93231, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

Syaiful Katadi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari

Program Studi Farmasi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari, Anduonohu, Poasia, Kota Kendari 93231, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia

Nurfitriyana Rahamat, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari

Program Studi Farmasi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pelita Ibu Kendari, Anduonohu, Poasia, Kota Kendari 93231, Sulawesi Tenggara, Indonesia






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