Compliance of Health Workers in Implementing Standard Operating Procedures in Infusion Installation at the Alosika Health Center


  • Umi Natalia
  • Riska Sabrida
  • Rizka Ayu Pratiwih
  • Sarfiani Ulan Person
  • Anoluthfa Anoluthfa
  • Julian Jingsung
  • Rizka Mutmainah
  • Andriyani Andriyani


Keywords: adherence of health workers, SOP for infusion


Nursing administrations gave as attendant work execution should be founded on high capacity as per nursing care guidelines so quality can be ensured. Compliance is part of the behavior of the individual concerned to obey or comply with something, so that the compliance of health workers in implementing the SOP for infusion depends on the behavior of the health workers themselves.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to observe the compliance of health workers in carrying out standard operating procedures for infusion at the Alosika Health Center. Method: This research is a descriptive research. The population of this study were 20 health workers in the delivery room at the Alosika Health Center. Results: based on the results it can be seen that of the 20 respondents studied, respondents who did not comply with infusion according to SOAP in the implementation phase were as many as 6 respondents (30%) and respondents who adhered to infusion according to SOP in the implementation phase were as many as 14 respondents (70%)


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