Relationship of maternal parity with the incidence of low birth weight babies in Buton District General Hospital


  • Nurhasna Nurhasna STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Rosmawati Ibrahim STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Dwi Ayu Rahmawati STIKes Pelita Ibu


Parity and Low Birth Weight


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal parity and the incidence of low birth weight babies in Buton District General Hospital. This type of  research  is quantitative using  a cross-sectional study design,  This research was carried out from May to June 2023, at the Buton District Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The sample in the study amounted to 267 respondents with Simple Total sampling technique. It is known from the results of data analysis  and the value of p value = 0.000 is smaller than 0.05 thus it can be interpreted that there is a significant relationship between the Parity variable and BBLR Events, with an interparty level of moderate relationship. The conclusion of this study is that there is  a Parity Relationship with the Incidence of Low Birth Weight Babies in Buton District General Hospital.


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