The relationship between education and compliance with immunization of Dpt (Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus) in infants at Blud Uptd Puskesmas Abeli Kota Kendari


  • Leniwati Leniwati STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Sukmawati Sukmawati STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Dwi Ayu Rahmawati STIKes Pelita Ibu


Education, Adherence, DPT Vaccine


This study is an analytical observational approach with a cross-sectional design that aims to explore the relationship between education level and DPT vaccination in infants at BLUD UPTD Puskesmas Abeli Kota Kendari. Conducted in July 2023, it involved 435 infants who received DPT 1, 2, and 3 immunizations at BLUD UPTD Abeli Medical Center in 2022, with total sampling. The results of the analysis showed no significant relationship between maternal education and adherence to DPT immunization in infants (p = 0.674 > 0.05). The findings conclude that other factors, such as access to information and maternal awareness, may play a more important role in decisions regarding DPT immunization programs for infants in these regions. This study provides a new perspective on the factors that influence parental participation in immunization programs..


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Data Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara tentang Cakupan Imunisasi Diphteri, Pertusis dan Tetanus (DPT) Tahun 2018 - 2022 (no date).

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