The Effect of Supplementary Feeding on the Occurrence of KEK in Pregnant Women at the Baito Health Center


  • Eka Damayanti STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Rosmawati Ibrahim STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Sulfianti A Yusuf STIKes Pelita Ibu


Supplementary Feeding, KEK in Pregnant Women


This study aims to determine the effect of supplementary feeding on the incidence of CED in pregnant women at the Baito Health Center. This type of research is quantitative with an analytic survey design that uses a cross sectional study approach that aims to determine the relationship between certain factors and diseases or other health problems. The population in this study were all pregnant women at the Baito Health Center in 2022, totaling 166 people. The sampling technique is Total Sampling. The results showed that there was an effect of supplementary feeding on the incidence of CED in pregnant women with a significant value of 0.000. The advice that the researchers convey from the results of this study is that it is hoped that midwives will continue to provide additional food to pregnant women with CED, because it makes a significant contribution to improving the nutritional status of pregnant women with CED


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