Evaluation Of Midwife's Non-Compliance With The Implementation Of Antenatal Care Services At Puskesmas Abeli


  • Sitti Musdalifa
  • Siti Rahmawati
  • Sitti Utami Endang Azhari
  • Ardiah Ardiah
  • Sitti Alengo
  • Nur Afni
  • Sulfianti A Yusuf


Keyword: ANC, Pregnancy, Pregnant mother


The existing ANC services will undoubtedly be significantly impacted, and it is possible that the number of visits for prenatal care may decrease. Naturally, new or special protocols related to ANC services have been released by the World Health Organization, the Indonesian Ministry of Health, and the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI), which should be considered by pregnant mother and health workers. The Ministry of Health, in this case the Directorate of Family Health, has created guidelines for pregnant mother, postpartum and newborns due to the fact that pregnant women have a higher risk of morbidity and mortality than women of childbearing age who are not pregnant. In summary, the findings of an investigation into the evaluation of the implementation of 10T Antenatal Care at the Abeli Health Center, Kendari City, show that midwives' ignorance of the latest service standards, the causes of many patient visits, and time constraints are various reasons why standard ANC care is not implemented. This kind of research uses a descriptive observation methodology. Midwives who work in the Abeli Public Health Center's MCH room are the subjects of this study. Strategies for analyzing qualitative data rely on direct field observations. Only 3 of the 14 midwives working in the MCH Room at the Abeli Health Center did not seem to have a thorough understanding of the ANC 10T service standard.


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