Study Of Knowledge Levels Of Community Perceptions About The Use Of Herbal Preparations In Lalolara Sub-District, Kendari City
Knowledge of herbal preparations in lalolara villageAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of the level of use and public perception of herbal preparations in the lalolara Village kambu district, Kendari city. The method used in this research is observational method (descriptive non-experimental). In this study, 30 people were included as respondents. The influence of the level of perception of the use of herbal preparations was measured using a questionnaire and then the data would be analyzed statistically and descriptively using SPSS. The results showed that the the lalolara Village kambu district, Kendari city community knew the use of herbal preparations as an alternative treatment. This can be seen by 36% of people using traditional medicine to refresh the body, 16% for multivitamins, 33% for fever medicines, and 13% for others who choose. The types of herbal preparations used were 56% of the community self-processed by boiling, 56% used turmeric acid products and 43% used wind-resisting products
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