Identification Of Medical Records Officers' Identification In Medical Record Storage Of Outpatient Patients At Puskesmas Alosika In 2022


  • Retno Martianingsih
  • Nur Fitriatin Tilu
  • Putri Ayu Ningsi
  • Rahmatiah Ramadhan
  • Resi Rosalina
  • Fitri Kurniawati
  • Rania Fatrizza Pritami


Keywords: Inaccuracy; Medical Record Officers; Storage of Medical Record; Outpatient


The Alosika Health Center considers Medical Records as texts or documents that have important value in carrying out their duties as health service providers. The inaccuracy in storing outpatient medical record files was due to the large number of officers doing multiple jobs that were not in accordance with their respective duties, and the low knowledge of officers in returning medical record files to the file storage area.

The study observed that storage space was limited and placed files carelessly, making it difficult for officers to find medical record files in storage, which resulted in patients waiting too long. This study aims to find out how the inaccuracy of medical record staff influences the storage of outpatient medical record files in September-November at the Alosika Health Center in 2022.

This type of research uses descriptive research methods. The research population as well as the sample in this study were 18 people, namely record officers Medical at Alosika Health Center. Data collection using observations during the ongoing study during September-November 2022. The results of the study showed that 156 Inaccuracy of Medical Record Officers affected the Medical Record File Storage for Outpatient Patients. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that the Medical Record file storage area be improved again, so that retrieval of Medical Record files in the storage area will be even better in the future


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