Evaluation Of Compliance With The Use Basic Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at X Health Center


  • Marling Marling
  • Irmawati Irmawati
  • Lia Asriawati
  • Megah Raten Sari
  • Fajar Kurniawan


Keywords: Compliance, PPE, Midwife


The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is something that is important to be obeyed at work or when providing services so as to minimize the impact if there is an accident in the work process and suppress the incidence of nosocomial infections and or work disability. This research is quantitative with descriptive method. Samples were taken using the total sampling method, namely 30 health worker is midwives in the Maternity room of the X Health Center. Data collection was based on filling out a compliance questionnaire for the use of PPE (handscoons. masks, google glass, and apron), direct observation of PPE compliance in health workers, and the availability of PPE at the X Health Center. Research shows that the average percentage of midwife compliance in using handscoons is 40.4%.  The percentage of adherence to mask use is 41.3% so that there are still many midwives who have not complied. The limited availability of PPE, especially masks, also plays a role in this. The conclusion of the study is that most nurses are compliant in the use of PPE. The availability of tools greatly affects such compliance.



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