The Relationship between Maternal Parity and the Incidence of Macrosomia Birth at Dewi Sartika General Hospital Kendari City


  • Kumalasari Kumalasari STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Wa Ode Sri Kamba Wuna STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Julian Jingsung STIKes Pelita Ibu


Parity, Macrosomia


This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal parity and the incidence of macrosomia birth at Dewi Sartika General Hospital. This type of research design is Case Control Analytical research.This research instrument is secondary data using research forms. The sample in the study consisted of case and control samples with a ratio of 1: 1.The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, case samples amounted to 23 people and control samples 23 people. So the total sample of the study amounted to 46 people. The results of the analysis of 46 samples, the maternal parity variable showed p-value = 0.140 <α 0.05 and the calculation of the OR value showed a risk parity of 2.420 times experiencing macrosomia with a value (OR 95% CI: 0.740-7908). So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between maternal parity and the incidence of macrosomia birth at Dewi Sartika General Hospital in 2022.


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