The Effect of Baby's Birth Weight on Perineal Rupture Incidence at the Banabungi Health Center, Buton Regency
Perineal Rupture, Infant Birth WeightAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of the baby's birth weight on the incidence of perineal rupture in the delivery room of the Banabungi Health Center, Buton Regency. This type of research is an analytic survey, namely research conducted to find out how health problems occur, which is then analyzed to determine the relationship between risk factors and influencing factors with a cross sectional study approach. Data collection was carried out using secondary data obtained from the maternity ward register book at the Banabungi Health Center, Buton Regency. Data analysis in this study used Case Control analysis with SPSS for windows software. The results showed that the Sig value was 0.000 <0.05, which means that Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of the baby's birth weight on the incidence of perineal rupture.
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