Keywords: Compliance, Hand Hygiene, MidwivesAbstract
Hand hygiene is an indicator of patient safety quality. Midwives have a great influence in prevention of the spread of infection because they interact directly in maternity patients. Based on preliminary data obtained from observations in the UPTD Maternity Room of the Puuwatu Health Center, the result of midwife compliance with hand hygiene in September to November 2022 were obtained by 85% of the standard value of 95%. The purpose of this study was to determine the compliance of handwashing midwives in providing care services. This research is a form of descriptive research. This study used a Descriptive Survey, with a sample of 20 respondents. The results of this study showed that out of 20 respondents, 17 (85%) were obedient in washing their hands and 3 (15%) were not obedient in washing their hands in providing actions. The conclusion shows that the compliance behavior of hand washing midwives in providing actions is still low, this is evidenced through the results of observations that have been made, there are 3 (15%) respondents who are not obedient in washing their hands during service
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