Relationship between Pregnant Women with Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK) and the Incidence of Low Birth Weight Babies (LBW) at the BLUD UPTD Abeli Health Center, Kendari City


  • Fitriani Fitriani STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Andriyani Andriyani STIKes Pelita Ibu
  • Anoluthfa Anoluthfa STIKes Pelita Ibu


Ibu Hamil, KEK, BBLR


This study aims to determine the relationship between pregnant women with Chronic Energy Deficiency (SEZ) with the incidence of Low Birth Weight Babies (BBLR) at BLUD UPTD Abeli Health Center Kendari City. This type of research uses the case control method with Total Sampling design. The research sample was 90 respondents at BLUD UPTD Puskesmas Abeli. The study was conducted from January to February 2023. Research shows that of the 180 respondents of SEZ and non-SEZ pregnant women, of those who experience SEZ events, less than half of respondents experience BBLR events as many as 36 people (40%) and more than half of respondents do not experience BBLR events 54 people (60%). Meanwhile, of the 90 respondents who did not experience SEZ events, it is known that a small number of respondents experienced BBLR events of 10 people (11.1%) and most respondents did not experience BBLR events as many as 80 people (88.9%). Based on the results of the chi-square statistical test, obtained a value of < = 0.000 < 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus, it can be interpreted that there is a relationship between the knowledge of SEZ pregnant women and the incidence of BBLR at BLUD UPTD Abeli Health Center, Kendari City


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